Coronavirus and the future of local government

Coronavirus and the future of local government

Councils have been on the front line supporting our communities during this crisis. Tell us how we can empower local government as we rebuild after coronavirus.

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Find out more about how to make submissions and Labour’s policy making process here.

Content of submissions is the responsibility of the poster, and their appearance on this website does not imply endorsement by the Labour Party.

    Labour party member MP Shadow Cabinet Member
    NPF Rep MEP NPF rep has replied
    Councillor Peer Labour Guest

Latest amendments

The deadline for the proposal of amendments to this policy consultation document has passed. You can read and comment on amendments received before the deadline below.

If you have a contribution to make to the process, please click on the “submissions” tab above to make a submission

    Labour party member MP Shadow Cabinet Member
    NPF Rep MEP NPF rep has replied
    Councillor Peer Labour Guest