Making Britain the best place to grow up: How to ensure children are at the heart of our recovery from Covid-19

Making Britain the best place to grow up: How to ensure children are at the heart of our recovery from Covid-19

As we look to the nation’s recovery, Labour is clear that children must be at its heart. Labour wants to emerge from the pandemic with an inspiring and ambitious vision for every child, teenager and young adult growing up in the UK.

Let us know the impact of Covid-19 on children and the education system, policy ideas to ensure the short-term impact does not become lifelong, and what an education system that ensures every child can reach their potential looks like.

NPF Consultation 2021 - Ear... by Policy Development

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    Labour party member MP Shadow Cabinet Member
    NPF Rep MEP NPF rep has replied
    Councillor Peer Labour Guest

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    Labour party member MP Shadow Cabinet Member
    NPF Rep MEP NPF rep has replied
    Councillor Peer Labour Guest